San Fernando Valley Criminal & DUI Defense Lawyers

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Another DMV Victory

I just won another DMV hearing. The facts were as follows: Defendant was pulled over for doing 55 miles per hour down Ventura Boulevard around 11:00 p.m. Officers indicated they smelled alcohol on the suspects breath, her eyes were red and watery, her face was flushed and her speech was slurred. The got her out of the car and she failed to perform the field sobriety tests as instructed. She blew into a hand held breathalyzer with results of .08 and .09. She was arrested. At the station she blew a .07 and a .08. The court case was reduced …

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Taser Abuse

A police officer and a former police officer were recently indicted for civil rights violations stemming from wrongful use of their taser guns. The incidents happened in 2004 and 2005 in the City of Desert Hot Springs, California. If my math is correct that is about five to six years ago. My first questions is, why did it take so long to file charges against these two men? In recent years, many of us have noticed that almost all of our local law enforcement officers are now carrying Taser devices on their belts. In days past, Taser devices were limited …

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Dog Beater Gets 45 Weekends in Jail

A dog beater in Riverside got sentenced yesterday to three years of probation 90 days jail to be served on weekends, community service hours and anger management classes. Glynn Johnson of Riverside is a former Assistant Los Angeles County Fire Chief who was convicted of animal cruelty which apparently stemmed from a neighbor dispute over some noise problems. Weekends in jail and anger management classes seem appropriate under the circumstances, however, it seems absurd to sentence a dog beater to community work with animals. Maybe the judge could have thought that item through a little more clearly. In the end …

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New Immigration Case

A new United States Supreme Court case just came down.  It says that criminal defense lawyers have a duty to advise clients regarding a risk of deportation.  When I first read the case, it was not “news” to me.  Here in California many lawyers have been so advising clients for years.  In fact, in Los Angeles, and Ventura Counties where I practice the most, our Tahl waiver forms already include such warnings. For criminal lawyers, the bottom line is simple:  inquire of every single client what their citizenship status is.  Next, be sure to advise the client of any possible …

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Who Says Crime Doesn’t Pay?

My client was charged with residential burglary and grand theft stemming from a classic bunco scam where she and two co-defendants convinced their victim they could “clone” his money.  The victim handed over 1.6 million dollars in cash.  The defendant’s took 1.3 million in cash and left the victim holding his withdrawal receipt in his hand. I was able to get probation for my client…that’s right, probation.  Now my question is:  Does crime pay?  The cash was never recovered. Call me, maybe I can help.  (818) 783-5700 or email me at

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Victory in Newhall

I just walked a client into court in Newhall/Santa Clarita.  He bench warranted several months ago.  His public defender told him he would be going to jail for ninety days.  He walk out of court and never went back.  He came to my office and hired me on Friday.  The case was for driving on a suspended license with a prior and probation violation for the same thing.  My client is also not a U.S. citizen cannot get a driver’s license and has already been deported after his last case. I walked out of court with my client and an …

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Doctor gets 5 years for slamming on brakes in front of bikes

I couldn’t help but notice the LA Times today which had a long article about the Doctor in LA who pulled in front of two bikes and slammed on his brakes.  He just got sentenced to 5 years in state prison.  That’s gonna suck.  I would rather share the road with a couple bicycles than share a cell with a guy named Bubba.  Maybe the doctor, and many of us for that matter, can learn a lesson from my 3 year old boy.  “Take a deep breath and count to ten”.  I don’t care what the bikes were doing (and …

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Finding the Right Lawyer

Finding the right lawyer can be a difficult job. It used to be considered unprofessional for lawyers to advertise. Those days are gone. Lawyers spend a lot of time and money looking for new clients by advertising. It used to be that the best way to find a lawyer was by being referred by someone else who used that lawyer and was happy with their services. This has not changed. The best way to find a lawyer is from someone you know who has used that lawyer, or by someone you know who knows that lawyer. It seems like whenever I …

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246 Arrested for DUI on Christmas Eve; 71 in Los Angeles

246 people were arrested for DUI in California on Christmas Eve.  71 of those were in Los Angeles.  To all of you and all of those who did not get caught I say:  Don’t drink and drive. Please read my article on the costs of a DUI. For those of you who were arrested, please talk to a lawyer about your situation.  Please read all the paperwork that you got the night of the arrest.  If you don’t understand it, ask a lawyer.  Please contact DMV within ten days of the arrest to set a hearing to prevent an automatic …

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Don’t Miss Work and Don’t Go To Court

Not every case result can be spectacular.  However, I can perform a valuable service for each and every client. Today I went to court for RC.  He had a DUI in the South bay and he blew breath results of .14 and .15.  RC was pulled over for making an illegal turn and weaving.  His breathalyzer machine was in proper working order.  I am sorry to say I was not able to get the charge dismissed, but I was still able to help my client out a great deal. RC owns and operates his own business.  He works six days …

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